Where do you end and the world begin?
In this episode we explore our place in the endless universe. Below you can listen to a participatory audio and see traces from the live conversation we had after listening to the audio.
Episode 8 took place on April 27, 2023. A group of us met online & in Aarhus, listened to the audio above, shared our experiences and chatted about the universe and our place in it. Here are some traces from this meeting.
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 19:00(cet)
Place: Aarhus, Denmark + Online
Present: Sascha, Fie, Camille, Jonas, Marieke, Pil, Freja, Isabella, Ruth, Sidsel, Emma, Freja, Nikoline, Gulli, Isa, Mille & Laura
Theme: Our place in the endless universe
(These links aim to inspire, provoke further conversation – to offer different aspects on the topic …)
WATCH: Singularity: An Animated poem by Marie Howe
WATCH: Symphony of Science: We Are All Connected
LISTEN: A Brave & Startling Truth bu Maya Angelou, read by Jana Levin
WATCH: The Matter with Things: Interview with philosopher, psychiatrist & brain researcher Iain McGilchrist